emergency dentist

How To Care For A Chipped Tooth Until My Dental Appointment?

December 12, 2022

Most people don’t realize how easy it is to chip a tooth.  Whether eating hard candy or playing contact sports, a chipped tooth can happen in the blink of an eye. If you find yourself with a chipped tooth, don’t panic! You can take steps to care for your tooth until you can get to a dentist.  Read on to learn more.

What Should You Do If Your Tooth Is Chipped or Broken?

1. Rinse Your Mouth With Warm Water To Clean The Area Around The Chipped Tooth

Mouth injuries can happen for several reasons, such as playing sports, chewing on hard objects, or accidentally biting your tongue or cheek. If you have a chipped tooth, it’s important to rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area around the injury. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause further damage to the tooth.

You can take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen if you’re in pain. You can also use a cold compress outside your mouth to help reduce swelling. It’s also essential to avoid eating hard or chewy foods until the tooth has healed. You may need to see an emergency dentist near me for treatment if the chip is severe.

2. Apply A Cold Compress To Your Cheek Or Lip To Reduce Swelling

Applying a cold compress to an area of your face can help to reduce swelling. Apply the compress to the affected area for about 10 minutes, then remove it for 10 minutes. To create a cold compress, wrap ice in a clean cloth or use a bag of frozen veggies.

Repeat this process as necessary. You should see a noticeable reduction in swelling after just a few applications. In addition to reducing swelling, a cold compress can help relieve pain and speed healing. If you have any open cuts or scrapes, wrap the ice in a thin layer of cloth to avoid causing further irritation.

3. Take Over-The-Counter Pain Medication If You’re In Pain

A chipped tooth can be a harrowing experience. If you are in pain, you can take over-the-counter pain medication to help ease the discomfort. It is important to avoid putting any pressure on the tooth, so try to eat soft foods and avoid chewing on hard objects.

If the tooth is bleeding, you can apply pressure with a clean cloth to help stop the bleeding. You should also avoid hot or cold drinks, which can exacerbate the pain. In the meantime, it is essential to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible so that they can assess the damage and determine the best course of treatment.

4. Use Dental Wax Or Sugarless Gum To Cover The Sharp Edges Of The Chipped Tooth

If you have a chipped tooth, it’s essential to take care of it until you can see a dentist. One way to do this is to use dental wax or sugarless gum to cover the sharp edges of the chipped tooth. This will help to protect your tongue and cheek from getting cut.

You can also try to smooth out the jagged edges of the chip with a nail file. If the chip is large or the tooth is painful, you can take over-the-counter pain medication to help ease the discomfort. It’s also essential to avoid hard or crunchy foods that could further damage the tooth. Taking some simple precautions can help ensure that your chipped tooth doesn’t cause further problems.

5. See Your Dentist To Get The Tooth Repaired As Soon As Possible

Having a chipped tooth can be a painful and frustrating experience. While it is essential to see your dentist as soon as possible to get the tooth repaired, there are some things you can do in the meantime to ease the pain and prevent further damage.

If the chip is significant or causing discomfort, try using a bit of sugar-free gum to cover the area. This will help to protect the tooth and keep food and bacteria from irritating the exposed nerves. You can also get pain relievers over the counter to help with any discomfort.

In addition, be sure to brush and floss carefully around the chipped tooth to avoid infection. Taking some simple precautions, you can make life with a chipped tooth easier until you can get it fixed by a professional.

Plan Ahead For A Emergency Dentist In Portland

Now that you know how to care for a chipped tooth, it’s time to book an appointment with the dentist. The emergency dentists in Portland provide high-quality services at an affordable price. They provide financing options and accept insurance plans.

Call them to make an appointment right away!